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Graduate Programs

Graduate Studies

The field of sustainable bioproducts is concerned with extending man's knowledge of wood as a material, and applying this knowledge to the manufacture of useful products. It requires knowledge of the chemical, physical, botanical, and engineering sciences and how they impinge on wood. Graduate study in the Department of Sustainable Bioproducts leads to the Master of Science degree in Sustainable Bioproducts or a Doctor of Philosophy in Forest Resources with an emphasis in Sustainable Bioproducts. The M.S. program requires 24 hours of course work, 6 hours of research for a thesis, and a comprehensive examination. A cumulative grade point average of a 3.0 or better is required in all course work. The Ph.D. program generally requires three academic years beyond the bachelor's degree as a full-time student.

The total number of course credit hours will vary based on the specific doctoral program, the student's needs, and the student's academic history. A written preliminary examination, an oral examination, and a dissertation are required. Major areas of study include composite wood products, environmental biotechnology, wood preservation, business and production systems, wood chemistry, and furniture. Graduate research assistantships are available and include tuition waiver and medical insurance reimbursement for in and out of state students. Visit the MSU Online Graduate Catalog for course descriptions and more information. Visit the MSU Online Graduate Catalog for course descriptions and more information.

Graduate Handbook Apply Online

Master's of Science Distance Learning

Advance confidently into an online Master of Science in Sustainable Bioproducts from Mississippi State University. This program offers 6 major areas of studying including Building Materials & Composites, Wood Products Testing & Standards, Deterioration & Preservation of Wood Products, Biofuels, Chemicals & Energy, Bioproducts & the Environment, and Forensic Wood Identification. Visit the Distance Learning website.

Want more information? Contact Rubin Shmulsky